Home > Mid June Update

Mid June Update

June 16th, 2009 at 07:10 pm

July 1st is the first payment to my new mortgage. And for once, I am excited. It seems kind of weird. Some of you may be dreading pay your bills because you don't have a budget (or one that works) or you and your spouse aren't functioning as a team.

I like getting my paycheck every week and allocating my pay to expenses and other savings. I like tracking the spending and making sure the budget is working.

But most of all, I like updating progress towards my goals. I like updating my 401(k) savings and trying to determine when that will be maxed; and most of all, I like updating the principal on the mortgage and watching that go down.

Sure I like having a plan and executing on that plan. But even more, I like watching goals being achieved, perhaps even more then the achievement itself.

As for my goals, I'm moving forward. The 401(k) will be finished around the end of August, then I'll be able to achieve more of my goals. One of the big goals I am looking to start is to start saving for college for my kids. I have a lot of time (14 years before the oldest hits college), but why wait and make excuses.

4 Responses to “Mid June Update”

  1. north georgia gal Says:

    One of the big goals I am looking to start is to start saving for college for my kids. I have a lot of time (14 years before the oldest hits college), but why wait and make excuses.

    It goes alot faster than you think! The more you can save now the better!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    I love that feeling too, especially when it comes to reducing debt. That's why my December '08 resolution to put all extra funds into savings only lasted till last month. Now I'm putting at least a little bit toward debt. I just won't be able to enjoy savings as much until I get rid of more debt!

  3. Petunia Says:

    Congrats to you! Your hard work and focus continues to pay off.

  4. baselle Says:

    I especially love the feeling that when I pay my bills and allocate that I still have plenty left over. What a thrill!

    And since I've made reasonable decisions with the 403B, I enjoy following it.

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