Home > My Rant

My Rant

March 17th, 2008 at 05:08 pm

I so disgusted today with stories I see in the news about people not taking responsibility for their actions.

At lunch, I watched a video on about a couple in Las Vegas that were foreclosed on and moved from a house with huge kitchen and granite countertops on a mobile home. The basic story is that the moved into a house for $276k. For the first couple of years, the house went up into the $420k or $450k range. Then wife lost her job, they took equity out, and the ARM re adjusted.

So who do they blame? The lender and everyone else but them. These evil lenders took advantage of them.

Are you kidding me? Do you actually think a bank makes money on a foreclosure? You think banks want to be in real estate?

Then I was hearing some advise on credit cards. Basically to not pay for 120 days and then you can settle with the credit cards for half. Is this sound advise? This is the way we want to bring up the next generation?

I’m sorry but that’s not how I roll. If I borrow money or use credit cards or have medical bills, I pay what I owe. If I did something stupid that costs money, I take responsibility and pay what I owe. I don’t try to screw someone out of something I owe.

You might be saying that you owe $90k in CC and only make $30k. I say pay it all off and don’t weasel out of the bill. You owe the amount, you signed a contract, now pay it off up. Sure it may take 10 years but “man up”.

Sorry about the rant but I am so pissed off about people not taking responsibility in this country.

Your word is the only thing you have in this life so man up and accept your fate.

11 Responses to “My Rant”

  1. Sami Says:

    THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you!!!

    That is my mantra also. I too have had it with the people whose problems are everyone's fault but their own !!! @@

    Here is a novel idea, buy a house you can afford!

    I am telling you any/every potential home buyer should be forced to watch the show HOUSE HUNTERS on HGTV.

    I am shocked by the number of these people who have a budget of "X" amount of dollars, an unrealistic list of items they want in their new home, the majority of which cannot/will not be found in their price range and yet they almost always buy the house that is at the top or way over their budget, plus they do a ton of renovations, buy new furniture, appliances, etc.

    I would love to see an update on these people, who are in California for the most part, and how many of them are still in their homes and how many were foreclosed on do to their own stupidity.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    I agree, but I can't find it in my heart to get mad at people who have no financial common sense. It's not being taught by most parents, it's not in evidence in pop culture or mainstream media, and it's not taught in many schools, so in a way you're lucky if you can find that knowledge through your own nature. I was lucky, but I've been on the other side and I know how easy it is to stay blind.

    That said, I feel bad for people who blame everyone but themselves, because one of the most empowering things I did, that allowed me to actually set to work fixing my situation, was to take responsibility, own up to myself that this was the way it was, didn't matter if I felt I'd been deceived by anyone--I'd made the choices that led to this; no one took the money forcibly out of my pocket. Maybe I didn't have all the knowledge resources needed when I made those decisions, but it's neither here nor there--I need to educate myself, take hold of my finances, "woman up" and fix them myself. :-)

    Till these folks stop looking for someone to blame and take a hard look at themselves and their own role in it, as I did, they'll never be able to get out of financial misery.

  3. Nic Says:

    There's a lot of the blame game going on.
    It's not MY fault, it's the bank,the loan company,the credit card company...hell,it's the fault of the Jones family. Why did they have to have so many cool things that I needed to keep up with?
    Yeah, it is sickening. And those of us that PAY our bills will keep on paying, one way or another for the foolishness of others.

  4. merch Says:

    ceejay, good point. I shouldn't be so sexist using man up. Wink

  5. compulsive debtor Says:

    As someone who has more debt then all of you combined, I couldn't agree more with you, Merch. About half of my debt is from credit cards (the rest are from student loans). I have every intention of paying every cent off in full and on time. I just don't understand the whole debt settlement thinking, but that's just me. Maybe someone here who is going through debt settlement can enlighten the rest of us.

  6. Maismom Says:

    I just posted about my friend's father who is financially irresponsible at the age of 65. sigh.... And we, savers, lose because Fed keeps cutting rate and our interest on savings account keeps going down!!

  7. ceejay74 Says:

    Hee hee, glad you liked that. :-)

  8. disneysteve Says:

    Bravo. Great post. This country is going down the tubes fast because nobody wants to take responsibility for anything. We see it in the financial world. I see it in medicine. We see it in the schools. Kids don't take responsibility for their actions and their parents are even worse, blaming the school for everything when it is their kids who are the problem.

    Take responsibility. Take control of your own life. Nobody else will or can. Don't buy things you can't afford. Don't buy things just because your friend or neighbor or sibling has them. Don't borrow money that you can't afford to repay.

  9. Ima saver Says:

    I certainly agree with this post!

  10. aevans1206 Says:

    Yay Merch! Bravo!

  11. scfr Says:

    Rant away ... man!

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